React Hooks

NDK Types

Types inherited from the @nostr-dev-kit/ndk library that are used in @lawallet/react


Type that defines the NDK instance

class NDK extends EventEmitter {
  explicitRelayUrls?: WebSocket['url'][];
  pool: NDKPool;
  outboxPool?: NDKPool;
  private _signer?;
  private _activeUser?;
  cacheAdapter?: NDKCacheAdapter;
  debug: debug$1.Debugger;
  devWriteRelaySet?: NDKRelaySet;
  outboxTracker?: OutboxTracker;
  mutedIds: Map<Hexpubkey | NDKEventId, string>;
  clientName?: string;
  clientNip89?: string;
   * Default relay-auth policy that will be used when a relay requests authentication,
   * if no other policy is specified for that relay.
   * @example Disconnect from relays that request authentication:
   * ```typescript
   * ndk.relayAuthDefaultPolicy = NDKAuthPolicies.disconnect(ndk.pool);
   * ```
   * @example Sign in to relays that request authentication:
   * ```typescript
   * ndk.relayAuthDefaultPolicy = NDKAuthPolicies.signIn({ndk})
   * ```
   * @example Sign in to relays that request authentication, asking the user for confirmation:
   * ```typescript
   * ndk.relayAuthDefaultPolicy = (relay: NDKRelay) => {
   *     const signIn = NDKAuthPolicies.signIn({ndk});
   *     if (confirm(`Relay ${relay.url} is requesting authentication, do you want to sign in?`)) {
   *        signIn(relay);
   *     }
   * }
   * ```
  relayAuthDefaultPolicy?: NDKAuthPolicy;
   * Fetch function to use for HTTP requests.
   * @example
   * ```typescript
   * import fetch from "node-fetch";
   * ndk.httpFetch = fetch;
   * ```
  httpFetch: typeof fetch | undefined;
  private autoConnectUserRelays;
  private autoFetchUserMutelist;
  constructor(opts?: NDKConstructorParams);
   * Adds an explicit relay to the pool.
   * @param url
   * @param relayAuthPolicy Authentication policy to use if different from the default
   * @param connect Whether to connect to the relay automatically
   * @returns
  addExplicitRelay(urlOrRelay: string | NDKRelay, relayAuthPolicy?: NDKAuthPolicy, connect?: boolean): NDKRelay;
  toJSON(): string;
  get activeUser(): NDKUser | undefined;
   * Sets the active user for this NDK instance, typically this will be
   * called when assigning a signer to the NDK instance.
   * This function will automatically connect to the user's relays if
   * `autoConnectUserRelays` is set to true.
   * It will also fetch the user's mutelist if `autoFetchUserMutelist` is set to true.
  set activeUser(user: NDKUser | undefined);
  get signer(): NDKSigner | undefined;
  set signer(newSigner: NDKSigner | undefined);
   * Connect to relays with optional timeout.
   * If the timeout is reached, the connection will be continued to be established in the background.
  connect(timeoutMs?: number): Promise<void>;
   * Get a NDKUser object
   * @param opts
   * @returns
  getUser(opts: GetUserParams): NDKUser;
   * Get a NDKUser from a NIP05
   * @param nip05 NIP-05 ID
   * @returns
  getUserFromNip05(nip05: string): Promise<NDKUser | undefined>;
   * Create a new subscription. Subscriptions automatically start, you can make them automatically close when all relays send back an EOSE by setting `opts.closeOnEose` to `true`)
   * @param filters
   * @param opts
   * @param relaySet explicit relay set to use
   * @param autoStart automatically start the subscription
   * @returns NDKSubscription
    filters: NDKFilter | NDKFilter[],
    opts?: NDKSubscriptionOptions,
    relaySet?: NDKRelaySet,
    autoStart?: boolean,
  ): NDKSubscription;
   * Publish an event to a relay
   * @param event event to publish
   * @param relaySet explicit relay set to use
   * @param timeoutMs timeout in milliseconds to wait for the event to be published
   * @returns The relays the event was published to
   * @deprecated Use `event.publish()` instead
  publish(event: NDKEvent, relaySet?: NDKRelaySet, timeoutMs?: number): Promise<Set<NDKRelay>>;
   * Fetch a single event.
   * @param idOrFilter event id in bech32 format or filter
   * @param opts subscription options
   * @param relaySetOrRelay explicit relay set to use
    idOrFilter: string | NDKFilter,
    opts?: NDKSubscriptionOptions,
    relaySetOrRelay?: NDKRelaySet | NDKRelay,
  ): Promise<NDKEvent | null>;
   * Fetch events
    filters: NDKFilter | NDKFilter[],
    opts?: NDKSubscriptionOptions,
    relaySet?: NDKRelaySet,
  ): Promise<Set<NDKEvent>>;
   * Ensures that a signer is available to sign an event.
  assertSigner(): void;
   * Creates a new Nip96 instance for the given domain.
   * @param domain Domain to use for nip96 uploads
   * @example Upload a file to a NIP-96 enabled domain:
   * ```typescript
   * const blob = new Blob(["Hello, world!"], { type: "text/plain" });
   * const nip96 = ndk.getNip96("");
   * await nip96.upload(blob);
   * ```
  getNip96(domain: string): Nip96;


Type that defines a nostr NDK Event

declare class NDKEvent extends EventEmitter {
  ndk?: NDK;
  created_at?: number;
  content: string;
  tags: NDKTag[];
  kind?: NDKKind | number;
  id: string;
  sig?: string;
  pubkey: string;
  private _author;
   * The relay that this event was first received from.
  relay: NDKRelay | undefined;
  constructor(ndk?: NDK, event?: NostrEvent);
   * Returns the event as is.
  rawEvent(): NostrEvent;
  set author(user: NDKUser);
   * Returns an NDKUser for the author of the event.
  get author(): NDKUser;
   * Tag a user with an optional marker.
   * @param user The user to tag.
   * @param marker The marker to use in the tag.
  tag(user: NDKUser, marker?: string): void;
   * Tag a user with an optional marker.
   * @param event The event to tag.
   * @param marker The marker to use in the tag.
   * @example
   * ```typescript
   * reply.tag(opEvent, "reply");
   * // reply.tags => [["e", <id>, <relay>, "reply"]]
   * ```
  tag(event: NDKEvent, marker?: string): void;
   * Return a NostrEvent object, trying to fill in missing fields
   * when possible, adding tags when necessary.
   * @param pubkey {string} The pubkey of the user who the event belongs to.
   * @returns {Promise<NostrEvent>} A promise that resolves to a NostrEvent.
  toNostrEvent(pubkey?: string): Promise<NostrEvent>;
  isReplaceable: () => boolean;
  isEphemeral: () => boolean;
  isParamReplaceable: () => boolean;
   * Encodes a bech32 id.
   * @returns {string} - Encoded naddr, note or nevent.
  encode: () => `nevent1${string}` | `naddr1${string}` | `note1${string}`;
  encrypt: (recipient?: NDKUser | undefined, signer?: NDKSigner | undefined) => Promise<void>;
  decrypt: (sender?: NDKUser | undefined, signer?: NDKSigner | undefined) => Promise<void>;
   * Get all tags with the given name
   * @param tagName {string} The name of the tag to search for
   * @returns {NDKTag[]} An array of the matching tags
  getMatchingTags(tagName: string): NDKTag[];
   * Get the first tag with the given name
   * @param tagName Tag name to search for
   * @returns The value of the first tag with the given name, or undefined if no such tag exists
  tagValue(tagName: string): string | undefined;
   * Gets the NIP-31 "alt" tag of the event.
  get alt(): string | undefined;
   * Sets the NIP-31 "alt" tag of the event. Use this to set an alt tag so
   * clients that don't handle a particular event kind can display something
   * useful for users.
  set alt(alt: string | undefined);
   * Remove all tags with the given name (e.g. "d", "a", "p")
   * @param tagName Tag name to search for and remove
   * @returns {void}
  removeTag(tagName: string): void;
   * Sign the event if a signer is present.
   * It will generate tags.
   * Repleacable events will have their created_at field set to the current time.
   * @param signer {NDKSigner} The NDKSigner to use to sign the event
   * @returns {Promise<string>} A Promise that resolves to the signature of the signed event.
  sign(signer?: NDKSigner): Promise<string>;
   * Attempt to sign and then publish an NDKEvent to a given relaySet.
   * If no relaySet is provided, the relaySet will be calculated by NDK.
   * @param relaySet {NDKRelaySet} The relaySet to publish the even to.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to the relays the event was published to.
  publish(relaySet?: NDKRelaySet, timeoutMs?: number): Promise<Set<NDKRelay>>;
   * Generates tags for users, notes, and other events tagged in content.
   * Will also generate random "d" tag for parameterized replaceable events where needed.
   * @returns {ContentTag} The tags and content of the event.
  generateTags(): Promise<ContentTag>;
  muted(): string | null;
   * Returns the "d" tag of a parameterized replaceable event or throws an error if the event isn't
   * a parameterized replaceable event.
   * @returns {string} the "d" tag of the event.
  replaceableDTag(): string;
   * Provides a deduplication key for the event.
   * For kinds 0, 3, 10k-20k this will be the event <kind>:<pubkey>
   * For kinds 30k-40k this will be the event <kind>:<pubkey>:<d-tag>
   * For all other kinds this will be the event id
  deduplicationKey(): string;
   * Returns the id of the event or, if it's a parameterized event, the generated id of the event using "d" tag, pubkey, and kind.
   * @returns {string} The id
  tagId(): string;
   * Returns the "reference" value ("<kind>:<author-pubkey>:<d-tag>") for this replaceable event.
   * @returns {string} The id
  tagAddress(): string;
   * Get the tag that can be used to reference this event from another event.
   * Consider using referenceTags() instead (unless you have a good reason to use this)
   * @example
   *     event = new NDKEvent(ndk, { kind: 30000, pubkey: 'pubkey', tags: [ ["d", "d-code"] ] });
   *     event.tagReference(); // ["a", "30000:pubkey:d-code"]
   *     event = new NDKEvent(ndk, { kind: 1, pubkey: 'pubkey', id: "eventid" });
   *     event.tagReference(); // ["e", "eventid"]
   * @returns {NDKTag} The NDKTag object referencing this event
  tagReference(marker?: string): NDKTag;
   * Get the tags that can be used to reference this event from another event
   * @param marker The marker to use in the tag
   * @example
   *     event = new NDKEvent(ndk, { kind: 30000, pubkey: 'pubkey', tags: [ ["d", "d-code"] ] });
   *     event.referenceTags(); // [["a", "30000:pubkey:d-code"], ["e", "parent-id"]]
   *     event = new NDKEvent(ndk, { kind: 1, pubkey: 'pubkey', id: "eventid" });
   *     event.referenceTags(); // [["e", "parent-id"]]
   * @returns {NDKTag} The NDKTag object referencing this event
  referenceTags(marker?: string, skipAuthorTag?: boolean): NDKTag[];
   * Provides the filter that will return matching events for this event.
   * @example
   *    event = new NDKEvent(ndk, { kind: 30000, pubkey: 'pubkey', tags: [ ["d", "d-code"] ] });
   *    event.filter(); // { "#a": ["30000:pubkey:d-code"] }
   * @example
   *    event = new NDKEvent(ndk, { kind: 1, pubkey: 'pubkey', id: "eventid" });
   *    event.filter(); // { "#e": ["eventid"] }
   * @returns The filter that will return matching events for this event
  filter(): NDKFilter;
   * Create a zap request for an existing event
   * @param amount The amount to zap in millisatoshis
   * @param comment A comment to add to the zap request
   * @param extraTags Extra tags to add to the zap request
   * @param recipient The zap recipient (optional for events)
   * @param signer The signer to use (will default to the NDK instance's signer)
    amount: number,
    comment?: string,
    extraTags?: NDKTag[],
    recipient?: NDKUser,
    signer?: NDKSigner,
  ): Promise<string | null>;
   * Generates a deletion event of the current event
   * @param reason The reason for the deletion
   * @returns The deletion event
  delete(reason?: string): Promise<NDKEvent>;
   * NIP-18 reposting event.
   * @param publish Whether to publish the reposted event automatically
   * @param signer The signer to use for signing the reposted event
   * @returns The reposted event
   * @function
  repost: (publish?: boolean | undefined, signer?: NDKSigner | undefined) => Promise<NDKEvent>;
   * React to an existing event
   * @param content The content of the reaction
  react(content: string, publish?: boolean): Promise<NDKEvent>;


Type that defines a nostr NDK Filter

type NDKFilter<K extends number = NDKKind> = {
  ids?: string[];
  kinds?: K[];
  authors?: string[];
  since?: number;
  until?: number;
  limit?: number;
  search?: string;
  [key: `#${string}`]: string[] | undefined;


declare enum NDKKind {
  Metadata = 0,
  Text = 1,
  RecommendRelay = 2,
  Contacts = 3,
  EncryptedDirectMessage = 4,
  EventDeletion = 5,
  Repost = 6,
  Reaction = 7,
  BadgeAward = 8,
  GroupChat = 9,
  GroupNote = 11,
  GroupReply = 12,
  GenericRepost = 16,
  ChannelCreation = 40,
  ChannelMetadata = 41,
  ChannelMessage = 42,
  ChannelHideMessage = 43,
  ChannelMuteUser = 44,
  Media = 1063,
  Report = 1984,
  Label = 1985,
  DVMReqTextExtraction = 5000,
  DVMReqTextSummarization = 5001,
  DVMReqTextTranslation = 5002,
  DVMReqTextGeneration = 5050,
  DVMReqImageGeneration = 5100,
  DVMReqDiscoveryNostrContent = 5300,
  DVMReqDiscoveryNostrPeople = 5301,
  DVMReqTimestamping = 5900,
  DVMJobFeedback = 7000,
  SubscriptionStart = 7001,
  SubscriptionStop = 7002,
  GroupAdminAddUser = 9000,
  GroupAdminRemoveUser = 9001,
  MuteList = 10000,
  PinList = 10001,
  RelayList = 10002,
  BookmarkList = 10003,
  CommunityList = 10004,
  PublicChatList = 10005,
  BlockRelayList = 10006,
  SearchRelayList = 10007,
  InterestList = 10015,
  EmojiList = 10030,
  TierList = 17000,
  SuperFollowList = 17001,
  FollowSet = 30000,
  CategorizedPeopleList = 30000,
  CategorizedBookmarkList = 30001,
  RelaySet = 30002,
  CategorizedRelayList = 30002,
  BookmarkSet = 30003,
  CurationSet = 30004,
  InterestSet = 30015,
  InterestsList = 30015,
  EmojiSet = 30030,
  HighlightSet = 39802,
  SubscriptionTier = 37001,
  CategorizedHighlightList = 39802,
  ZapRequest = 9734,
  Zap = 9735,
  Highlight = 9802,
  ClientAuth = 22242,
  NostrConnect = 24133,
  NostrConnectAdmin = 24134,
  HttpAuth = 27235,
  ProfileBadge = 30008,
  BadgeDefinition = 30009,
  MarketStall = 30017,
  MarketProduct = 30018,
  Article = 30023,
  AppSpecificData = 30078,
  Classified = 30402,
  HorizontalVideo = 34235,
  GroupMembers = 39002,
  AppRecommendation = 31989,
  AppHandler = 31990,


Type that defines a nostr NDK Signer

interface NDKSigner {
   * Blocks until the signer is ready and returns the associated NDKUser.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to the NDKUser instance.
  blockUntilReady(): Promise<NDKUser>;
   * Getter for the user property.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to the NDKUser instance.
  user(): Promise<NDKUser>;
   * Signs the given Nostr event.
   * @param event - The Nostr event to be signed.
   * @returns A promise that resolves to the signature of the signed event.
  sign(event: NostrEvent): Promise<string>;
   * Getter for the preferred relays.
   * @returns A promise containing a simple map of preferred relays and their read/write policies.
  relays?(): Promise<NDKRelay[]>;
   * Encrypts the given Nostr event for the given recipient.
   * @param value - The value to be encrypted.
   * @param recipient - The recipient of the encrypted value.
  encrypt(recipient: NDKUser, value: string): Promise<string>;
   * Decrypts the given value.
   * @param value
  decrypt(sender: NDKUser, value: string): Promise<string>;


Type that defines a nostr NDK subscription

declare class NDKSubscription extends EventEmitter {
  readonly subId?: string;
  readonly filters: NDKFilter[];
  readonly opts: NDKSubscriptionOptions;
  readonly pool: NDKPool;
  readonly skipVerification: boolean;
   * Tracks the filters as they are executed on each relay
  relayFilters?: Map<WebSocket['url'], NDKFilter[]>;
  relaySet?: NDKRelaySet;
  ndk: NDK;
  debug: debug.Debugger;
  eoseDebug: debug.Debugger;
   * Events that have been seen by the subscription, with the time they were first seen.
  eventFirstSeen: Map<string, number>;
   * Relays that have sent an EOSE.
  eosesSeen: Set<NDKRelay>;
   * Events that have been seen by the subscription per relay.
  eventsPerRelay: Map<NDKRelay, Set<NDKEventId>>;
   * The time the last event was received by the subscription.
   * This is used to calculate when EOSE should be emitted.
  private lastEventReceivedAt;
  internalId: string;
    ndk: NDK,
    filters: NDKFilter | NDKFilter[],
    opts?: NDKSubscriptionOptions,
    relaySet?: NDKRelaySet,
    subId?: string,
   * Provides access to the first filter of the subscription for
   * backwards compatibility.
  get filter(): NDKFilter;
  isGroupable(): boolean;
  private shouldQueryCache;
  private shouldQueryRelays;
  private shouldWaitForCache;
   * Start the subscription. This is the main method that should be called
   * after creating a subscription.
  start(): Promise<void>;
  stop(): void;
   * @returns Whether the subscription has an authors filter.
  hasAuthorsFilter(): boolean;
  private startWithCache;
   * Send REQ to relays
  private startWithRelays;
   * Called when an event is received from a relay or the cache
   * @param event
   * @param relay
   * @param fromCache Whether the event was received from the cache
  eventReceived(event: NDKEvent, relay: NDKRelay | undefined, fromCache?: boolean): void;
  private eoseTimeout;
  eoseReceived(relay: NDKRelay): void;


Type that defines a nostr NDK subscription options

interface NDKSubscriptionOptions {
   * Whether to close the subscription when all relays have reached the end of the event stream.
   * @default false
  closeOnEose?: boolean;
  cacheUsage?: NDKSubscriptionCacheUsage;
   * Groupable subscriptions are created with a slight time
   * delayed to allow similar filters to be grouped together.
  groupable?: boolean;
   * The delay to use when grouping subscriptions, specified in milliseconds.
   * @default 100
  groupableDelay?: number;
   * The subscription ID to use for the subscription.
  subId?: string;
   * Pool to use
  pool?: NDKPool;
   * Skip signature verification
   * @default false
  skipVerification?: boolean;