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Getting Started

Get started

You can also contribute to the LaWallet ecosystem. Take a look at this document to understand how you can do it.


This guide is intended to help you set up the LaWallet front end on your local network.

Follow these steps to start modifying the app's source code

Cloning the repository

To start contributing to the project, clone it to your local machine using git:

git clone

Installing Node.js and pnpm

You need to install Nodejs v18.17 or higher and pnpm@8.10
If the versions are not correct or you don't have Node.js or pnpm installed, download and follow their setup instructions:

Installing dependences

Once in the project's root directory, run the following command to install the project's dependencies:

pnpm install

After the install completes, pnpm links packages across the project for development

Running dev

To start the local development playground, run the following command:

pnpm dev

This command will compile all the packages in watch-mode and start the LaWallet webapp in development mode

Last step

If there was no error, the LaWallet webapp should already be started on your local network By default, the application opens on port 3000. You must enter http://localhost:3000 (opens in a new tab) to check if everything is fine.

You finished!

You are now able to begin editing the application's source code, and any modifications you make will be instantly reflected on the local site.

If you want to contribute, but aren't sure where to start, you can contact the LaWallet team